Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Definition of Undefine

AAHHHHHH I dont know what to doo.
im lost and confused.

I wanna do what my hearts telling me
but my brain is telling me something different.

which path do you follow when there's a fork in the road?

when one path will lead you to a road, where you will regret not siezing what you really want
And the other leads you to a path of uncertainty, which will, more than likely, have you end up with shattered hopes and shattered dreams.

This is the one dream that I wish would become a reality for me, but more than likely will stay in my fantasies.

I need to write a new poem, and get over it. My poems is how I let myself go, and be free.

If its a broken part replace it
If its a broken arm then brace it
If its a broken heart then face it...
The hold your own, know your name, and go your own way.

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