Monday, July 13, 2009

The Fisherman

Today was a wonderful day, I pulled an all nighter playing Grand Theft Auto 4. Damn game is too difficult. Well anyways, I was playing that game and my best friend, came out the room and he said, Isiah said he'll be here in 10 minutes, I thought to myself and said, "Who the hell is Isiah?" He said,"The damn church guy." That's when I knew he meant Antonio, a man that I work with. He has been trying to get me to go to his church for months now, and keep telling him I'll go, but I'd call off last moment, it came to the point of when I last work with him he made me right down my last address and he told me, " I'm not even gonna call, I'll just show up at your door, and drag you." That's what he did. He Knocked on my front door, turned off my game, and sat down on the couch as I got ready to go. It was pretty funny.

On the way to church we talked about work, and everything. We get inside the church and all of a sudden I got a giant smile on my face, I felt as if I was lost and sea, and I finally made it to land for the first time in years. I felt at home. There was a man in there preaching today, he was a missionary from South Africa, talking about his story, telling us even though he was raised by hate, and believed in Muslim religion, and didn't have a clue who God was, God still watched over him, protected him, loved him. If you think about it, that's amazing, to have someone who you don't even know watch over you and love you as their child. Later on during the service he asked all people who feel lost, needing something, someone, who ever is missing something in their lives come up to the stage and they'll pray. I was the first person off my seat, usually I'm shy at things like that, I'm never the first person to stand, hell most of the time I won't even get up. This time I did. The Preacher comes up to me first, looks at me and smiles, puts his hand on my head and said, "I'm not going to even act like I know whats going on in your life, or who you are, because I don't, but God does, and he told me to tell you, don't worry about your job, don't worry about your house situation, don't worry about your family, your grand parents, don't worry about your future, give it all up to the lord and all of it will be okay, believe in him to handle it, and all of your problems will be solved. God is the Fisherman, and your his prized fish, he'll catch you and keep you next to him at all times. Just let it all out." At this point I was in tears, on my knees, crying my eyes out. This man right here, just named absolutely EVERYTHING I am having trouble with, everything, things nobody knows that I'm having problems with, he named it all, a man who doesn't even know my first name just summed up all my life problems at the moment. If that's not a miracle, then I don't know what is. What also shocked me was that he said, "God is the Fisherman" Because I was starting to write a poem last night, about a fisherman, but I couldn't finish it, yet he quoted it. I don't know I was amazed. well that's it basically. I'm going back there next Sunday, and I'm dragging my friends there with me. It won't be hard though, since there is nothing but beautiful women there from our age up. My unfinished poem is going to be under here, so please enjoy what I got I don't even think it makes since yet, but enjoy!

A man fishes at sea tell he gets the perfect cast, and catches that perfect fish, he'll remain pleased. A boy will continue fishing and keeps catching more than he needs, until his boat sinks with Greed.

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