Monday, March 23, 2009

Weekend Warrior.

Well first off I'm happy to say that my friend Cassie is perfectly fine. I spoke to her yesterday, she's at home recovering, and she is doing well. I am unbelievably happy to see/hear that. :)

Also, yesterday I finally came back from Las Vegas. I had a great time staying there at my best friend, Rebecca, house. We rocked out all week, acting out parts of songs and what not every night. Every night we also watched a movie, some great movies like: Garden state, which I loved, and some others which I can't remember. In fact the only bad movie we watched all week was, The Talented Mr. Ripley. I seriously could have gone on the rest of my life without seeing that movie; in fact, my life would have been better if I didn't see it. The movie is just to weird for me, and its giving homosexuals a bad name. No I'm not gay, i just dont have a problem with anyone love another person, no matter the gender. Anyways, I had a great time there with her, having dinner, playing games, putting up puzzles, even driving back was a blast, since we both were rocking out to Paramore in the car for four hours. haha.
We didn't actually get home tell 4:30 a.m. and we left at 11: 45ish.

I didn't fall asleep tell around 5:30 and I woke up at 10:00 because im a insomniac, and well thats just what I do. At about 11:00 a.m. i called my good friend Leann Love Maldonado and asked her if she wanted to hang out. She came and picked me up at 12 and we went to the galleria to try and find a pink dodger jersey for her. While we were there, she told me that she is having boy problems with this guy, my good friend, Jack. Let me tell you something about these two. I don't think I have ever seen two people who are this helplessly inlove with one another and won't admit it. They aren't going out, but they might as well be. It is rare to see one without the other, but they just call themselves "best friends".
Well anyways back to the problem. A random girl at school asked Jack why does he always spend time with Leann, and he simply said, "because she buys me things and she loves him." He made it seem like he uses her. I'm guessing he felt bad that he said that, so he goes and tells Leann. Leann was Appauled on the fact he would say something like that instead of saything the simple answer, "Beacause i love spending time with her." She was pissed off at him, because he always does something to fuck things up, and she is over it. He's been apologizing ever since and telling her he realizes that he loves her and his life isn't anything with out her. She asked me for advise on the situation, me being the sap that I am, I simply told her to forgive him, but tell him not to tell you he loves you, because to her it sounds like he is just throwing the word around without any meaning, because if he really meant those words he will be dying to prove it to her. So she did do exactly what I told her, and he is trying to prove that he loves her. After that conversation I went to her cousins house, did nothing and went home.
Yeah thats basically what my weekend consisted of. I had alot of fun.

"Poetry is man's rebellion against being what he is." ~ James Branch Cabell

Friday, March 20, 2009

Eventually all stars die.

Tonight I was lying in bed with my best friend Rebecca, and we were having our usual talks about random things before we each fall asleep. Tonight, somehow, we ended up on the subject on the fact that I cant cry, that it is nearly impossible for me to cry. She simply said, "Its because you're numb. Eventually something is going to happen to make you cry, to get you off that horrible cycle." Let me remind you, I didn't even cry at my Great Grand Fathers Funeral. The man who took care of me the majority of my child hood.

Allow me to bring you back to two days ago. I wrote a poem called "The Night When The Star Left The Moon." It's about someone you love, that once meant the world to you, dying. Not necessarily death, more like the person changing into something you can barely recognize anymore, It depends on the way you look at it, the way you interpretate it with your life.

The reason why im saying all this is because i found out that my ex girlfriend, that i dated for two years, got hit by an SUV two days ago, around the same time i wrote my poem, and i found out this news hours after Rebecca told me that something would happen, and I would cry.
Well I guess she was write, because the moment I found out, I started crying, and I still am crying even after a couple of hours had past.

I come to find out that her skull is cracked, and her brain is swelling, as well as she has a cuncussion, and other injuries to her head, hip, legs and arms. Her docter said that her condition is getting a lot better and she is recovering well, but she will need therapy, and a good amount of time to heal.
I wish I could be there right now, to be able to help her in her time of need, but I'm not. The most I can do is pray for her, and have others join me in prayer for her safe recovery and her well-being.

No I'm not accusing Rebecca jynxed it in anyway by saying the things she said, and nor did I with my poem I wrote. It was just a weird coinsidence, and a bad turn of fate/luck.

Well i thought i should just share that with you.

By the way heres my poem incase you were wondering. For whoever reads these blogs:

The Night When The Star Left The Moon.
When I stare at the stars Burning so Bright
Without a cloud in sight
It reminds me of the passion
The love that once burned in your eyes
I'd do anything to look into those eyes again
Those eyes that told me everything
Every emotion you kept hidden
Every time your mouth moved i wouldn't listen
But when your eyes shined I payed very close attention
Because when your mouth moved You would say things you wouldn't mean
But when your eyes shined
Then it was something i could believe.
But that was so long agoI was once the moon that shined next to you
So bright, So fullBut like all stars, the fire died
So did the passion, the love, that twinkle in your eyes
Now I'm left to light up the sky at night.
With out you, here, by my side
I have a feeling this night might not be so bright.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Well today so far has been a very interesting day. Well no it hasn't. Its been a very regular day, besides the fact that my best friend Rebecca came back from Vegas for today and tomorrow. Hopefully she and I will hang out all day. For some reason every time I'm with her I'm happy, so as you can tell I love being with her, and I'm happy she is moving back.
Ahh I love my Beck. :)
Well any ways, I'm leaving with her tomorrow to help her pack, and hang out for a while. We wont be back tell sometime this weekend. I know as always, whenever I'm with Rebecca it will be a blast. I cant wait I'm excited!!

You took my heart from me, you took my soul, you took the anything and everything from my world.