Monday, November 2, 2009

The Power to Change The World One Word At a Time.

I posted this on my Myspace.

"There is no man without sin. Everyone has their own demons, so to speak. There is no sin greater nor better than another, a sin is a sin. So why do we past judgement on people, just because their sins are different from our own? Why do we hate people, just because they love differently then us.Why do we worry so much about what the other person is doing wrong, instead of what they're doing right? In the bible it says, We are all God's children and for us to love everyone, for they are our brothers and sisters, and not to past judgement on one another. I believe that we should all live our own life, and not worry about anyone else. Don't worry about who someone else loves, whether if its a girl, or boy, worry about who you love. Don't worry about how people choose to spend their spare time, Worry about what you're going to do with yours. Don't worry about who the other person is becoming, worry about who you became. Love who you want, dont worry what they think. Live life how you choose, dont fall into the social bubble of a life everyone else want you to live. Be who you are, not who they want. Believe in yourself, and not what they believe."

Moments later I get a message from my friend Juan Flores. He Brought up some good points in our conversation.

Juan: Suppose you have a kid, would you now worry about what hi is doing ? Suppose you were a mom, would you not worry what he is doing? Suppose a brothre in the Lord was in sin, would you not worry about what he is doing, or would you LOVE enough to call him out. What is the differrence between judging someone, and stating a fact?

Me: There is a very thin life from calling someone out because you love them, and judging them. To me the difference is, pointing out that what they did was wrong, and letting them figure out how they'd like to handle it on their own, or Bashing them for something they did wrong, and forcing your views and beliefs down their throat. Their is a difference between being there for someone, and forcing someone into being the way you want them to be.If I was a father, and my teenage son/daughter was doing something wrong, I'd talk to them and let them know they did something wrong, then let them go on and handle the situation on their own, because I trust in them, I trust my parenting, and I trust I raised them good enough to know the difference from wrong and right, and how to own up to their own mistakes.

Juan: Jesus's deciples always got it wrong. Jesus rebuked them in Love and helped them understand how to change there ways. It is not biblical to just point someone else there mistake, and not guide them/ help them. Jesus did not just rebuke his followeres but walked with them. He helped them figure it out ! i got more to say but I have to go.
Sorry one more thing, guiding someone, or sharing your views is not forcing your beleives down someone throth. You have to be careful in the way you do it because this can possibly happen. Actually I think it does happen more than we realize.

Me: I know what you mean, but you can walk down the path with someone if they're not willing to walk it themselves. If they're not willing to change, then you can't change them. But I never said you shouldn't be there for them, if they asked. If someone wants to be helped, then help them, love them, guide them. But if they dont want your help, and choose to keep walking down their path, then keep walking down your own. Hopefully they will eventually see, the way you live your life. The happiness, joy, love that you have,and realize that you are right, and come under their own will, when there ready.I also never said you shouldn't share your views, just said not to shove them down their throat. For example: Taking a teenager to church, when he/she has no excitement of going, and never did. My view is, if they dont wanna go, then don't make them. Eventually, they will get tired of being lonely Sunday mornings, and wonder about what are they missing, and how come they're missing out with the hole family, thats when they'll go. I know thats when I did.

Thats it. He has responded.

I just thought I should share that to whom ever is reading this.