Monday, June 29, 2009

Simperfy Do Or Die. Honor and Respect

Its been a while since I last posted a blog on here. Which is weird since, lately I've been going through a lot. Well the last time I posted a blog was when I first met my father. I've seen him a couple of times since then, and in fact, in a couple of weeks I am going to Denver Colorado to see the rest of my family on his side, I am kind of excited, kind of scared, and I kind of don't care. We'll just see what happens when I get there.

I have a job now at Pavillions. Been working there for 3 months now, I hate this job, but oh well. Money is money.

Also in the past few days, we, as in the world, has had to deal with the death of the Legend, Michael Jackson. This man was the definition of a legend. There never ever was and never ever will be who will come close to the legacy that this man had. This man was music, and his death was a huge loss to all the world. Rest In Paradise Michael Jackson

The main reason of why I am inspired of writing this blog is because for a couple of years now, three to be exact, I've been pondering in my head the option of joining the Marines. As of right now, I honestly believe I should give it a shot. I don't believe I am supposed to be working at a grocery store for the rest of my life, but honestly I don't know what I am supposed to be, or what I want to be anymore. For my whole life practically I thought I will be a football player, coach, or anything that has to do with football, so I made my life football, but it took me a little time to realize that I was chasing the dreams of a child, but now it's time for me to wake up, and walk the life of a man. I'm not at where I thought I'd always be at, yet i don't even know where I'd want to be at right now. I don't even really know who I am yet. My whole life I've just been doing what people wanted me to do, I walked down the path where everyone wanted me to be, I feel like I've been living my life for others, instead of living for myself and I'm tired of it. I dont know why, but I believe that at this point of my life, I believe the road that I'm headed on leads to the military.
I dont know, what I'm saying anymore, I'm just a lost and confused 19 year old boy, living the life of a grown man.

If you got any advice then please give it to me, Lord knows I need it.